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Office of Construction & Facilities Management


TIL Catalog

tiL Catalog logoThe Technical Information Library (TIL) contains technical publications related to the planning, design, leasing, and construction of VA facilities.  The TIL Catalog is an alphabetical listing of publications with descriptions and contact information.

Facilities Standards Service (FSS) Contact List

Design Alerts: These alerts are issued for reducing repeat construction change orders and for addressing other construction related issues.
Standards Alerts: Serve to identify innovative and broad ranging Standards and Design processes and procedures that have a major impact on the VA’s goal of delivering World-class Facilities.
Contact:  Don Myers, Director, Facilities Standards Service

A/E Submission Instructions (PG-18-15)
Provides guidelines for Architect/Engineer submissions in the production of Schematics, Design Development, and Construction Documents.
Contact:  Consulting Support Service

Architectural Accessibility and VA Barrier Free Design Standard (PG-18-13)
VA supplement to the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standard (ABAAS) defining accessibility requirements for disabled persons.
Contact: Mark Goeller, Facilities Standards Service

Building Information Modeling (BIM) Standard (PG-18-13)
Associated instructions and templates for preparing Models, 2D documentation, and data for design construction, and facility management, including verifying design functionality, systems coordination, constructability, and supporting building operations.
Contact:  Mark Vanderlyn, Facilities Standards Service

CAD:  National CAD Standard, VHA Application Guide
VHA Application Guide adopting the NIBS National CAD Standard, utility and sheet template files.
Contact:  Mark Vanderlyn, Facilities Standards Service

Cemetery Design Criteria - see National Cemetery Administration Design Criteria below

Commissioning Criteria
Retro-Commissioning Process Manual Commissioning is the process designed to verify that the built environment operates according to the project requirements. Retro-Commissioning applies the commissioning process to existing buildings.
Whole Building Commissioning Process Manual Process designed to verify that the built environment operates according to the project requirements.
Contact:  Phillip West, Facilities Standards Service

Cost Estimating Manual and Guides
Cost Estimating Service provides oversight of the programs for construction cost estimating and budgeting, estimates overall construction costs, manages the value management program, and provides estimating support.

Cultural Resource Management (H-7545)
This handbook includes procedures on how the VA will meet Federal preservation requirements for all program and construction activities that have an effect on cultural or historic resources.  It also documents the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) management procedures which implement the policies contained in VA Directive 7545, Cultural Resource Management.
Contact:  Hector Abreu, Federal Preservation Officer

Design Alerts - see Alerts above

Design and Construction Procedures (PG-18-3)
Established VA requirements defining the minimum level of excellence in the design, construction, and alteration of VA facilities. 
Contact:  Don Myers, Director, Facilities Standards Service

Design Guides (PG-18-12)
Provides standards for design of selected clinical departments including an overview of design principles and concepts, narrative text descriptions, and room templates for use in the planning, design, and construction of VA projects. They should be used as reference documents for all participants in the project team when new facilities are constructed or when existing facilities are renovated.
Contact:  Gary M. Fischer, Facilities Standards Service

Design Manuals (PG-18-10)
Fundamental discipline-aligned criteria describing design, construction, and technical requirements for the development of VA projects. 
Contact:  Don Myers, Facilities Standards Service
Discipline Contacts:

Design Review Checklists
A series of Checklist for reviewing VA construction projects for the following disciplines:  Site and Landscape; Architectural; Structural; Plumbing; Fire Protection; Sanitary; Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC); Steam Generation; Steam Distribution; Incineration/Solid Waste; and Electrical.
Contact:  Consulting Support Service

Equipment Guide List (PG-18-5)
Room Contents: Furnishings, Fixtures, Equipment, Medical Equipment.
The Equipment Guide List contains room content items to be used for planning and developing equipment requirements for VA facilities. The Equipment Guide List is developed from input from VA subject matter experts and industry consultants. Each Guide List corresponds to a Space Criteria chapter, and is arranged by functional areas and rooms. Each content item is represented by a Joint Schedule Number (JSN) along with its name, quantity, acquisition code, and description. The PG-18-5 is intended to help speed the planning process for VA facilities with the most current and latest technology.
Contact:  Jacob Brown, Facilities Standards Service

Facility Dedication Plaques and Seals (PG-18-13)
Established procedures and policies for the procurement of Dedication Plaques and Seals at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities are documented along with several templates for plaque inscriptions.
Contact:  Facilities Standards Service

Fire & Safety
The primary goal of this manual is to provide an environment for occupants that is reasonably safe and has a functionality that protects the facility so that it is free from fire and products of combustion.  This manual contains fire protection engineering design criteria to protect patients, visitors, and staff; maintaining the continuity of important clinical and administrative activities; and protecting VA property.
Contact:  Mike Taylor, Facilties Standards Service

Innovative 21st Century Building Environments for VA Healthcare Delivery
The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) coordinated the VA exploration for a new paradigm that would transform VA care for the 21st century by creating a new generation of high-performance, sustainable health care environments for the changing population of veterans.  NIBS convened a multi-disciplinary Task Force to investigate and document the state of practice and art for high performance, sustainable and flexible environments for healing.
Contact:  Don Myers, Director, Facilities Standards Service

Inspection Manuals and Reports
Inspection and Testing Manuals and Reports, Statements of Work and Surveys pertaining to Boilers and Elevators
Contact:  Facilities Standards Service will distribute inquiry to appropriate POC

Leasing Information,
Office of Real Property Service (ORP), an office within CFM, supports VA’s mission by acquiring land and leasing space for the construction of medical and medically related facilities that service our nation’s Veterans.
Contact:  Office of Real Property

Master Construction Specifications (PG-18-1)
Comprehensive set of over 372 written architectural and engineering guidelines defining the qualitative requirements for products, materials, and workmanship.
Contact:  Ron Johnson, Facilities Standards Service

National Cemetery Administration Design Criteria
The Cemetery Design and Construction Criteria establishes consistent design and construction practices and are the minimum acceptable standards for the design and construction of VA cemeteries.
Contact:  Ryan Buckalew, National Cemetery Administration, or Jacob J. Brown, Facilities Standards Service

Physical Security and Resiliency Design Manual (PG-18-10)
The Manual contains the physical security standards for improving the protection for VA facilities.
Contact:  Fred Lau, Facilities Standards Service

Plaques & Seals - see Facility Dedication Plaques and Seals above

Retro-Commissioning Process Manual - see Commissioning Criteria above

Room Finishes, Door, and Hardware Schedule (PG-18-14)
Provides standards for the interior finishes, doors, and hardware for new or renovated VA facilities.  Factors considered appropriateness for function and space, cost, durability, and ease of maintenance.
Contact:  Ron Johnson, Facilities Standards Service

Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Design Criteria (PG-18-13)
The Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Design Criteria document discusses patient lifts and other required safeguards.
Contact:  Jaime Roberts, Facilities Standards Service

Seismic (Structural) Design Requirements (H-18-8)
Policies established to insure that all new and existing VA mission critical health care facilities in seismic areas are designed to remain operational after an earthquake.
Contact:  Juan Archilla, Facilities Standards Service

Signage Design Manual (PG-18-10)
The Signage Design Manual provides guidelines for the design of signs and provides detailed information on the development of a signage system to assist VA veteran customers, visitors, and others as they approach the property, locate buildings, and proceed to functions inside.
Contact:  Facilities Standards Service

Space Planning Criteria for VA Facilities (PG-18-9) and VA-SEPS,
Provides space requirements and guidance for development of space programs for VA Facility Development Plans, construction projects, and leasing agreements.  Contains guidance for functional relationships and design considerations in addition to space planning criteria for all VA healthcare functions.
Contact:  Gary M. Fischer, Facilities Standards Service

Specifications - see Master Construction Specifications above

Standard Details (PG-18-4)
Standard construction details organized by discipline, for use in design and construction documents for VA projects.
Contact:  Facilities Standards Service

Standards Alerts - see Alerts above

Sustainable Design
CFM’s Sustainable Design Program strives to enhance VA’s mission by incorporating sustainable design practices into the design and construction of VA facilities.  Driven by numerous Federal mandates and VA policies, the program encourages design strategies that reduce energy and water consumption, integrate cost-effective renewable energy, promote healthy work environments, and protect vital natural resources.
Contact:  James Symanski, Director, Sustainability Program Office

VA Hospital Building System (VAHBS)
The VA Hospital Building System (VAHBS) has been used successfully on many VA projects over the years. 
Contact:  Fred Lau, Facilities Standards Service

Whole Building Commissioning Process Manual - see Commissioning Criteria above