Office of Construction & Facilities Management
CFM News
Office of Construction and Facilities Management, Office of Real Property
On September 25, 2020, the Office of Construction and Facilities Management (CFM) Office of Real Property (ORP) completed the transfer of 11 U.S. Army post cemeteries into the portfolio of the National Cemetery Administration (NCA). Pursuant to Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st Century, Reform Plan and Reorganization Recommendations, published by the Office of Management Budget in June 2017, NCA assumed responsibility for perpetual care and operation of 11 military and Veteran cemeteries located on Department of Defense installations. The ORP team worked with NCA, General Services Administration (GSA), the U.S. Army, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and various VA stakeholders to facilitate the transfers. The transfers include five Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) cemeteries transferred by the U.S. Army and six cemeteries transferred by GSA under the Property Act.
USACE 2020 Project Delivery Team of the Year
Congratulations to the Department of Veterans Affairs Capital Asset Realignment for Ehanced Services (CARES) also known as the VA Canandaigua Hospital (VACAN), Project Delivery Team, Louisville and Buffalo Districts on its selection as the USACE 2020 Project Delivery Team of the Year!
The DVA PDT Members are as follows:
VA Medical Center Canandaigua
Director - Bruce Tucker
Associate Director - David Price
Facility Manager - Jacob Yoder
Construction & Facilities Management (CFM) - East
Director, CFM Eastern Regional Office - Andrew Keirn
Director, Facility Planning Support - David Wilder
CFM Senior Project Office - Drew Downen
CFM Project Staff - Joe Pitre
CFM Project Staff - Mary Klice
CFM Project Staff - Gabe Devitt
PDTOY Award-LRD-VA Canandaigua
2020 LRD Cmdr Notification of Honor
Chico OPC Certificate of Occupancy

The Office of Construction and Facilities Management is pleased to announce that acceptance of the Chico, California CBOC took place on June 18, 2019. This Major Lease project completed the Lease Construction of a 42,000 Net Usable Square Foot Community Based Outpatient Clinic. This facility will provide Primary Care with Dental, Laboratory and Pathology, Audiology, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Endocrinology, Dermatology, Pulmonary Medicine, Rehab Medicine, Homeless Services, Mental Health, and other services. The facility has the potential to provide healthcare to approximately 100,000 Veterans enrolled in the Chico, CA area. Special recognition goes to our Senior Resident Engineer Andy Lamendola and Resident Engineer Wayne Doyle for successfully managing the Design and Construction of this modern healthcare facility. A ribbon cutting ceremony is planned for September 2019.
VA Hospital Voted "Best of the Best" in Engineering News Record Magazine
On March 21, 2019, hundreds of colleagues will gather at Pier Sixty at Chelsea Piers in New York City for ENR's 54th Annual Award of Excellence Black-Tie Gala. The Southeast Louisiana Veterans Healthcare System New Orleans Replacement Hospital was voted “Best of the Best” in Engineering News Record magazine. This hospital construction was a collaboration between OALC’s Office of Construction and Facilities Management (CFM) and the Veterans Health Administration (VHA).
This is an eight story, 1.6 million square foot replacement hospital that sits atop 31 acres in a mid-city neighborhood. The new facility replaced an aging hospital in downtown New Orleans that was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
The New Orleans VA Replacement Medical Center serves more than 70,000 Veterans in a 23-parish catchment area and across the Gulf Coast, with an anticipated 550,000 annual visits. It is the first major health care center in New Orleans dedicated to Veterans to be built in the area in a decade. Check out the Health Care: Best Project: Southeast Louisiana Veterans Healthcare System Replacement Hospital article for more information on the project and more information on the judges' selection here.
Westside Today (Los Angeles, CA), July 20: New Housing Opens on VA Campus
The Veterans Affairs' Medical Center in Reno, Nevada will get $192.4 million for renovation and expansion — the most of any single VA facility in the country, under a spending plan Congress is expected to approve for the fiscal year that begins October 1. Construction could begin as early as 2017. Check out the article for more information.
Design-Build Delivers for Charlotte's Vets
Design-build offers both speed and flexibility, which helps control costs in healthcare facility construction, while ensuring the planning takes into account the latest medical technology and equipment. One of the best ways to use this delivery method for good, then, must be to provide the highest quality healthcare and health facilities to our nation's veterans. We reached out to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and found more than a few professionals willing to discuss the VA's use of design-build, especially on a particularly successful lease project in Charlotte, North Carolina. Check out the article for more information.
North Carolina VA Health Care Complex Complete
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – JE Dunn Construction recently completed the $104-million Veterans Affairs Health Care Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. The six-story, brick and glass, outpatient services complex encompasses 430,000 square feet, of which 295,000 square feet are dedicated to clinical use. Cardiology, dermatology, audiology, women’s health, mental health and prosthetics are among the more than 20 services planned for the center, which includes four operating rooms and 17 kidney dialysis units. Check out the article for more information.